Orders Billing

When as an admin you want to know about your current Subscription details or how to add more User licenses, or view any old purchases.

My Subscription

Current subscription details will be shown here. If subscription is bought, then type of subscription is mentioned-yearly/monthly.

My Subscription Details

Start and end date of subscription, number of days remaining before it expires, and the total number of licenses purchased.

Purchasing more user licenses in the current plan

Scroll down to the bottom of the page , in my subscription page, it gives you the option to purchase more licenses.

Current Subscription Plan

Details of current plan are displayed and the option of purchasing more users

Buy According to Users

Enter any number of user to buy, and the rate of calculation is displayed as per the number of days left.

Once the user clicks on the PAY button, the bytecasting system takes us to the Razor Pay payment gateway, to complete the transaction.

Purchase Credits

Credits are used to compress SCORM files in DAM. The system shows how many Credits are required to compress the content of this size

By default a value of 1000 credits is available to each new user. This can be checked from the Left menu -> Purchase Credits page. It also shows the Credit expenditure history.

Click on The Purchase Credits to buy more credits.

Previous Orders

All previous placed orders (including the failed transactions) are displayed here.

Admin can use the information displayed here to track all payments and orders made.